Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

Glaucoma can have hereditary factors. A family history of glaucoma increases the risk of developing the condition, especially if the family history is a first-line relative like a parent. Genetic factors play a significant role, and individuals with a family history need to have regular eye exams in Greensburg, PA to monitor for signs of glaucoma so treatment can be targeted with a proactive approach. Take a look at how genetics may affect your likelihood of developing glaucoma below.

Understanding the Hereditary Nature of Glaucoma

Certain genes have been linked to an increased risk of glaucoma, which suggests a hereditary component of this common eye disease. According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, the genes associated with certain forms of glaucoma include FOXC1, PITX3, MAF, LMX1B, FOXE3, PITX2, and PAX6. Therefore, if a close family member has glaucoma, your chances of developing it may be higher, even though several other risk factors should also be considered.

Other Risk Factors for Developing Glaucoma

While family genetics may be important when it comes to glaucoma, several other known risk factors exist, including:

  • Age: Individuals over 60 are at higher risk.
  • Ethnicity: African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are more susceptible.
  • High eye pressure: Elevated intraocular pressure increases the risk.
  • Certain health conditions: Uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease may contribute.
  • Previous eye injuries: Trauma to the eye can increase the risk of glaucoma.
  • Long-term use of corticosteroids: Extended use can elevate the likelihood of developing glaucoma.

Discuss Your Risks with an Experienced Greensburg Eye Doctor

Knowing your family’s eye health history is crucial when it comes to monitoring for certain eye diseases. Individuals with a family history of glaucoma should inform their Greensburg eye doctor to ensure proper monitoring and early intervention.

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