Entries by Lappen Eye Care

Is Glaucoma Hereditary?

Glaucoma can have hereditary factors. A family history of glaucoma increases the risk of developing the condition, especially if the family history is a first-line relative like a parent. Genetic factors play a significant role, and individuals with a family history need to have regular eye exams in Greensburg, PA to monitor for signs of glaucoma so […]

Tips for Managing Dry Eye at Home

When you’re suffering from chronic dry eye, finding solutions is difficult. One of the most important things to do is check in with your Pittsburgh area eye doctor for medical care. However, there are things you can do at home to manage the burning, gritty feeling in your eyes. Here are some tips from the team at […]

Optimizing Eye Health at Home

Your optometrist in Pittsburgh, PA uses the latest technology to protect your vision. But did you know there are many things you can do at home to optimize your eye health? Eyesight is a precious gift, so it makes sense to take every possible step to preserve your vision! Eat a Balanced Diet A balanced diet not […]

Are There Serious Ill Effects of Dry Eye Disease

If your eyes don’t produce enough tears to adequately lubricate your eyes, or if your tears dry too quickly, there can be some consequences that lead to serious consequences for your vision. Diagnosing dry eyes that might cause lasting issues with your sight is the job of your vision specialists at Lappen Eye Care. What is […]

How Long Will My Vision Last With Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a serious, degenerative eye condition, and one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. It’s part of a group of eye diseases where the optic nerve is damaged. Each case is different, and the impact of glaucoma on vision varies significantly among individuals. One thing is certain; early detection is a […]

What’s Causing My Eyes to Itch?

Do your eyes itch seasonally or throughout the year? Understanding the cause of the itching and what you can do to alleviate it can help you stay comfortable. Your eye doctor in the Pittsburgh area can help.   What Causes Itchy Eyes? Although many things can cause eyes to itch, the most common cause is allergies. Allergy […]

At Risk for Glaucoma? Signs to Watch For

Glaucoma is a condition that can do lasting damage to your eyes. In fact, glaucoma that is caught too late can cause permanent vision loss. Everyone is at risk for glaucoma, but some people have a higher level of risk than others. Seeing an eye doctor in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area on a regular basis can […]