Are There Serious Ill Effects of Dry Eye Disease

If your eyes don’t produce enough tears to adequately lubricate your eyes, or if your tears dry too quickly, there can be some consequences that lead to serious consequences for your vision. Diagnosing dry eyes that might cause lasting issues with your sight is the job of your vision specialists at Lappen Eye Care.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Detecting dry eye syndrome is the job of the trained professionals at our four locations in the Pittsburgh area. If you experience discomfort from dry eyes, be sure to mention the problem to your eye doctor at your next appointment. Early detection of a problem can be key to successful treatment. Left untreated, chronic dry eyes might lead to corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, an inability to wear contact lenses, extreme light sensitivity, migraine headaches, or mood disorders, including depression.

Most of the issues associated with chronic dry eye are readily treatable by your professional eye doctor, but it pays to understand that tears are necessary for optimal eye health. Go ahead and cry during sad movies — it’s good for your eyes. But, if at other times and during normal activities, your eyes are frequently red or if they feel gritty or sandy, you should ask your vision specialist or family eye doctor to check for chronic dry eye.

Things to Avoid if Your Eyes Are Dry

Wind, interior air conditioning, and too much screen time can exacerbate dry eye issues, so you might want to keep a log that details when and how often your eyes feel overly dry. Over-the-counter drops can help alleviate symptoms, but if your eyes are continually dry or if your vision becomes blurred, you should schedule a consultation with your eye professional.

Our doctors will perform the necessary tests to determine what further actions will benefit your dry eye condition.

Request an appointment at one of our convenient locations. Protecting your eyes is one of the best ways to boost overall wellness and enjoy life. Don’t put that off.

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